Monday, May 2, 2011

IF: Lesson

Here's another really quick sketch I did for this week's Illustration Friday, topic - Lesson:

Mama Bird's trying to figure out just what the little one is doing wrong. What I learned from drawing her is that it's a bit tricky to convey the expression of 'thoughtful criticism' on a bird when you have only one eye with which to portray the expression. Cocking the head helps, but it's still tricky. And I think I almost got it, but my mind's eye-version is a still a whole lot better.


eldy said...

I can see the 'thoughful' look. Excellent expression.

Shauna Meryn Kossoff said...

Animals can seem so human! :)

Patti said...

sweet characters

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Great "Lesson!" Nicely done..!