Friday, May 6, 2011

IF: Beginner

A couple quick ones from this morning's sketches, both appropriate for today's Illustration Friday topic. And in doing so, I happily got a chance to try out my new Col-Erase pencils:
While sketching these little guys I couldn't help but think back to our cat's kitten days. Here's a pic of our little guy before he put on fifteen pounds and developed a deep and abiding fear of the laundry basket.
He's since grown up to be a good-natured and laid-back seven-year-old, but, my oh my, those kitten days were fun!


Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Cute kitties...all of them ;)

Alison said...

Very cute!

Célia Fernandes said...

very nice sketch :)*

Victoria Stitch said...

absolutely adorable sketch!

D. Lindsey said...

Awwwwwww!!! ♥

MrBibleHead said...

Fantastic sketch Phyllis! So adorable! You kittie was so cuuuute! Great post. Thanks for giving me the warm fuzzies all over :o)

Sarah Melling said...

Beautiful sketches...You've captured them so perfectly!

Hannah said...

How sweet. Lovely sketches :)