Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Woodchuck Mama

This illustration appeared in last May's issue of the children's magazine Clubhouse Jr.
It's now available here in my Etsy Shop.

I don't know if I have any local readers, but in case I do I thought I'd bring up something very cool that's happening here in Dallas. Storyopolis Entertainment has established a speakers series featuring various children's book luminaries. The speakers give their presentations in both the Ball Park in Arlington and the Allen Public Library. Here are links to the list of speakers at both locations:
Ball Park:
Allen Public Library:

I went to see Raul Colon last month in Allen and really enjoyed the presentation. I'm going to try to see them all!


Anonymous said...

Very pretty. Appreciate your work. It's worth watching.

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Wendy J said...

I love that Storyopolis Entertainment is bringing children’s book authors to Dallas.