After a relatively short bout of unemployment, my husband has landed a job in Dallas, which means, of course, that once again we'll be moving very soon. And so, the whirlwind of frenetic activity inherent to moving has fallen upon us again. With his start date looming only two weeks away, we drove up to Dallas this past weekend to search for an apartment. As I've mentioned previous years, springtime in Texas proves to be an excellent time for long drives as the wildflowers burst into their full glory from March to May. This year's wildflower season appears to be the best of the past three, most likely due to the heavy rains last fall. This picture was actually taken along the highway right near our home, but fields like this dotted the highways along the drive up to Dallas.
As with most moves, I both dread and look forward to it at the same time. I love exploring new places as well as the feeling of a fresh start in a new home, but aside from the hassle of moving, there's also the sadness of leaving a familiar place. We've only been in Austin a little over two years, but I am really going to miss it. Ah, well, looking forward...